Whirlpool Washer Code F27

Whirlpool Washer Code F27: [Dead-Simple Fixes]

Two weeks ago, we got Whirlpool washer code F27. 

The whirlpool washer pumped water so fast that it overflowed our drain pipe, spilling everywhere. 

A quick search online reveals that something is causing my whirlpool washer to overfill with water or suds. 


…we decided to look at various issues that can trigger whirlpool washer code F27. 

The best part? 

We were able to fix code F27 on a whirlpool washer.

What Does F27 Mean on Whirlpool Washer

F27 error code on a Whirlpool washer means the washer is overflowing with water or suds. There’s nothing worse than experiencing floods in your house. 

A flooded house is a mess to clean up. If the situation is not resolved, it can lead to mold and mildew growth which adds to repair costs. 

The brutal truth? 

The overflowing machine has nothing to do with the clogs. And the problem is with the machine itself. 


Switch off the whirlpool washer before you begin to repair the washer. Cut the power off from the main plug and ensure that hot and cold water supplies are turned off. 

And here’s why? 

To avoid electrocution. 


Get rid of the remaining water on the floor or any items nearby. Ensure the area is dry before you start working on the washer.

Finally, look at critical areas that could trigger whirlpool washer code F27.

How  Do I Fix F27 On A Whirlpool Washer

Unloading the washer

Putting too many clothes in a washer can cause the water to overflow. It happens when sometimes I am in a hurry, and I put too much detergent in the slot. 

And the result is? 

The sud will rise too high and then trickle down, creating a mess. 

The solution here is straightforward: 

Remove excess clothes from the washer and see if that solves the problem. If the problem is solved, you might have been overloading the washer, and you need to limit the number of clothes you put in the washer. 

For clarification, here’s the weight load guide:

Drum size: 6kg.

Five hand towels, 6 T-shirts, two pairs of jeans, one jumper, 20 pairs of socks or underwear, and two-bed sheets.

Drum size: 7kg.

Five hand towels, 10 T-shirts, four pairs of jeans, one jumper, 20 pairs of socks or underwear, and two-bed sheets.

Drum size: 10kg.

Eight hand towels, 15 T-shirts, four pairs of jeans, two jumpers, 30 pairs of socks or underwear, and 3 bed sheets.

If you want to prevent this from happening in the future, you need to install a standpipe. Why? It will reduce the mess because the drainage water will flow directly to the sewage line.

Also Read:

Whirlpool Error Code F08 E01

Inspect the Water Inlet Valve

Water inlet valves allow water to enter your whirlpool washer. You can find the valve at the back of the whirlpool washer, connecting both the hot and cold water. 

A water inlet level at the back of the whirlpool washer can trigger an F27 error code on a whirlpool washer. 

The reason:

Water will continue to flow to the tub even when the tub is full. And this will trigger an F27 error code on a whirlpool washer. 

And the cause is a faulty solenoid valve in an open position allowing water to flow into the drum. 

To confirm your suspicion:

Test the inlet valve using a multimeter.

And here’s the whole process of how to do that test.

Step 1: I will assume that you have switched off the whirlpool washer and cut off the power and water supply.

Step 2: The water inlet valve can be found at the back of the Whirlpool washer and has hoses hooked into it (hot and cold hoses).

Step 3: Disconnect both hoses and point the hoses into a bucket to allow excess water to flow out.

Step 4: Next, inspect the screens found on the inlet valve for debris, dirt, and foreign objects. Exercises caution when handling the screens because they are irreplaceable. Check the two solenoids on the water inlet valve if the screens are okay. The solenoids are called coils.

Step 5: Label each of the two wires connected to the coil. It will be easier to reconnect back when you are done.

Step 6: The wires are held together using a metal slip on the connectors. Grab each connector and disconnect its wires from the coil.

Step 7: Set the multimeter to the X 1 settings. Place one probe on one terminal and note the reading. Do the same thing to the other terminals. A reading of infinity means you have a faulty solenoid that needs to be replaced. Would it sound like a bad idea to buy this water inlet valve as a replacement? It is an OEM part that’ll fit your whirlpool washer.

Inspect the Pressure Switch/Water Level Switch

The water level switch is also known as the pressure switch. Its purpose is to monitor the water level and inform the whirlpool washer to stop filling. 

For example:

If the water stops after you disconnect the washer, it means two things:

Either the pressure switch is clogged, or the tube connection is faulty, leading to overfilling. A defective pressure switch means your water inlet valves continue to fill the tub with water making the washer trigger error code F27 and overflowing. 

The first step is ensuring that our air tubes/domes connected to the switch are free of debris. Here’s the direction to follow:

  • Remove the top panel using a screwdriver. Next, slide the panel out the back of the washer until it is free.
  • Locate the air hose under the detergent drawer. 
  • Try to blow the air through the tube. If there’s a blockage, you need to replace it. Clean the air tubes to remove any blockage. Besides that, you need to check for signs of leaks. If there’s any leakage, it means you’ll have to replace the air tubes. Once you are sure everything is okay, you’ll have to test the pressure switch again.


Test the water level switch for electric failure.

And the process goes like this.

  • Set the multimeter at OHMS X1.
  • Locate the wires leading to the switch’s terminal and disconnect them. Ensure you label the wires before disengaging them.
  • The switch has three terminals that you need to test for continuity. Here’s how it will work: Touch the meter probes to the first and second terminals and take the reading. The reading will be infinity to mean no continuity or a value close to 0.0 to represent continuity.
  • Next, touch the probes to the first and third terminals and take the reading, which will be infinity to show no continuity or 0.0 to mean continuity.
  • Touch the probes to the second and third terminals and take the reading.
  • Interpret the results: Two pairs will have no continuity, and one will show continuity. Anything different means you need to replace the pressure switch with a new one.
  • Reconnect the air tubes back for the second round of continuity tests and leave the other tubes disengaged.
  • Blow air into the air hoes while testing the terminals in pairs like we did and in the same sequence. You’ll hear the switch clock when the air is blowing. Keep the air pressure, pinch the tube as you test the terminal, and take the reading.
  • Analyze the first and second results of continuity. Note that pairs that showed no continuity in the first round will show continuity in the second round with air pressure inside the hose. The pair that show continuity in the first round will not show continuity. Any other results mean you have a bad switch that needs to be replaced.

Too Much Detergent

Using too much detergent in a high-efficiency whirlpool washer can trigger an F27 error code. You end up with an oversudsing condition messing up the pressure switch. 

The best way to prevent oversudsing is using the recommended detergent. You can stop the washer from oozing out more bubbles (suds). 

After you have moved the clothes to a safe place, follow these directions to reduce excess bubbles.

  • Remove the suds (or water) using salt. Sprinkle the salt on the sud.
  • Next, dry the laundry room using a fan or humidifier. You may need to call a flood restoration company if you have too much water. Otherwise, mold may develop.

Tips to Prevent Future Overflows of the Washer.

  • Never stuff clothes in your washer. Instead, distribute the clothes inside the washer.
  • Replace the old water supply hoes with new ones made of flexible plastic tubing like this one
  • Have a water alarm detector like this one near your washer that will notify you of the leaks. In addition, you can also put automatic washing machine shut-off valves to prevent future overflow caused by broken hoes, leaky valves, and other malfunctions.

For six years I struggled with choosing a washer. Now I have a reason to smile any time I use this washer.

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